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Prices for the various services I offer. Specific for your business: no turnkey or prebuilt solutions. Includes optimization and training.

  • Design, Development, & Optimization

    I will professionally design and develop a page for your website. Every page will be design and custom developed specifically for your business: no turnkey or prebuilt solutions. In addition, your page will be technically optimized to be blazingly fast and look great in search results.

    Starting at $700/page

  • Analytics

    I will add analytics to your website so that you can track when, where, and how your visitors view and interact with your site. This assists you in measuring how effective your marketing strategies are.

    Starting at $0 + $100/month

  • Google Business Profile

    I will set up and optimized your Google Business Profile for your business. Includes training so you know what content to add and update to keep your profile fresh.

    Starting at $500

  • CMS Solutions

    I will write custom-code to allow you to upload content to your website, specific to your business's needs. This includes videos, pictures, blogs, and more. Your custom content will be automatically optimized to keep your site loading extremely quickly.