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Official logo for Plausible, a Software-as-a-Service (analytics) company.

In a world where small businesses are aiming high, website analytics becomes a true game-changer. Imagine having a backstage pass that shows when, where, and how people explore your website. This insight is pure gold – it points out what's working and what could use a little boost. With this ace up your sleeve, your marketing strategies become sharper and more cost-effective, saving you money in the long run.

What are website analytics?

Website analytics is a tool used to track when, where, and how visitors use your website. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes helper for your website. It allows you or your marketing team to see what’s going well and what exactly needs improvement. With the help of website analytics, you can make your marketing campaigns more effective and cost-efficient.

Why does your small business need analytics?

As a small business owner, you know how important it is to get a good return on investment. And since that’s exactly what a website is, wouldn’t it be important to know how well your website is performing and if it’s actually converting customers? That’s where website analytic tools come in. They show you when people visit, where they come from, and how they explore your site. This information is like gold for your small business. It helps you know what’s clicking and what needs a little tune-up. By using website analytics, you can make your marketing strategies work smarter, not harder, and save money along the way.

What is is your website’s secret detective. It’s an easy-to-use tool that tracks the important stuff about your visitors. But it’s not complicated or overwhelming like some other tools. keeps it simple, giving you the key details without the headache. This way, you can focus on making your website awesome. What’s also great about Plausible is that it’s 100% compliant with local and international privacy laws right out of the box, so you don’t have to worry about your business getting fined like with other analytic tools.

Why do I use Plausible for analytics?

I choose Plausible because it’s privacy-centric and lightweight. In fact, Plausible’s Analytics script is 45 times smaller than Google Analytics Global Site Tag. I use it because it keeps your website insanely fast while still allowing you to track what your visitors do. Here are just a few of the things you can track with Plausible:

  • Unique visitors
  • Total visits
  • Total pageviews
  • Views per visit
  • Bounce rate
  • Visit duration
  • Much more

In addition to the above benefits, I’m able to easily send you analytics reports every week/month. If you have a marketing team or an experienced SEO, this is gold to them. Also, the dashboard is really easy to understand and decipher, even if you have no experience in any of this.

Image of a dashboard view in analytics.
Here's a view of Plausible's intuitive dashboard. Pretty simple, right?

So, in a nutshell

In a world where small businesses are aiming high, website analytics becomes a true game-changer. Imagine having a backstage pass that shows when, where, and how people explore your website. This insight is pure gold – it points out what’s working and what could use a little boost. With this ace up your sleeve, your marketing strategies become sharper and more cost-effective, saving you money in the long run.

Get analytics set up for your small business

Save money and convert more customers with the help of analytics