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Editing Content In TinaCMS

Official logo for TinaCMS, an open-source Content Management System.

Before we begin

TinaCMS allows you to easily edit content on your website. In this article, I’ll show you how to get started with editing content so that you can take control of your website.

If you haven’t yet accepted the TinaCMS collaboration invite, check out the article I wrote on that.

1. Navigate to the admin page

Navigate to the admin page on your website. For example, if your website’s URL is then navigate to

2. Log in

After you navigate to the admin page, you’ll be greeted with a popup asking you to log in.

You should already have a TinaCMS collaborator account tied to your website. Again, read the first article if you haven’t done that yet.

Press “Continue to Tina Cloud” and log in with the collaborator email.

Image of the TinaCMS admin page, before a user is signed in.
The TinaCMS admin page, before a user is signed in.

3. Find the type of content you want to edit

On the left pane, under “Collections” is the content that you can edit. In this case, we have 2 collections: Videos and Events. Let’s click on Videos.

Image of the TinaCMS admin panel, where a user can edit content and add media.
The TinaCMS admin panel, where a user can find & edit content.

4. Find the file you want to edit

From here, you can add, edit, or remove videos. Let’s say we want to change the description of our August 13th Sermon video to “A great sermon from August 13th”. Click the “august-13th-sermon” file.

Image of a collection view inside TinaCMS.
The Videos collection view. From here you can add, edit, and delete videos.

5. Change the description

You can see in the picture that each field inside the form is an editable piece of content. You can change what you wish here. Simply change the description field to “A great sermon from August 13th”.

Important: hit the big blue Save button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Image of the inside our august-13th-sermon video. A form with fields of editable content.
Inside our august-13th-sermon file. Each field is an editable piece of content.

All done

And that’s pretty much it. Your changes should be live in about five minutes.

I didn’t go over how to add or remove content, but it’s fairly straightforward. If you still need help, please feel free to contact me!